Monday, November 9, 2009

Experience Lasell College

Couldn't make it to Open House.
Haven’t visited campus yet.

Here’s what you’ve been missing…

When the class of 2013 (the largest in the College’s history) arrived on campus this year, they discovered that it was another busy summer at Lasell.

Many of the changes are noticeable as you explore campus, such the relocation of faculty and staff offices; others may be less obvious, such as the completion of wireless technology in our residences.

Did you know during the summer of 2009 Lasell:

  • Completed major renovations to Spence House

  • Added 3 new full-time faculty members, one in English, Hospitality and Event Management, and Public Relations

  • Opened an additional fitness facility in McClelland Hall
  • Offered Indoor Track and Field, Lasell’s 15 NCAA Division III Varsity Athletic Program

  • Launched a new environmentally focused international service learning program in Ecuador

  • Invested in additional computers in the library; new Macs in the Doran Lab, including new Maya software – a powerful integrated 3D modeling, animation, visual effects, and rendering system; new PCs in the Business Lab; and computers in the lobby of Wolfe Hall

  • Hired a new Coordinator of International Student Services

And, perhaps the most dramatic change was the completion and transformation of the eastern end of the campus, with the opening of our two newest residence halls – East and West. These two new halls, coupled with upgrades to McClelland Hall, and dramatic landscape changes, create a whole new student village environment.

In addition, Lasell was named by the national higher education newspaper, The Chronicle of Higher Education, as “One of the Great Places to Work”. Lasell was specifically acknowledged for our strong teaching environment. Again, recoginzing Lasell's top-quality faculty and academic experience. Lasell also received a prestigious Davis Grant in support of research across the curriculum. These public acknowledgements of Lasell’s educational philosophy affirm our commitment to and the benefits of a connected learning approach to education.

Come see for yourself what makes Lasell College special. The Office of Undergraduate Admission is open Monday through Saturday during the fall, winter, and spring, offering tours of campus at 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and at 12:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturdays.

Looking to experience a day in the life of a Lasell College student? YOU CAN DO THAT! The Office of Undergraduate Admission is happy to arrange your individual campus visit. Take a tour, sit-in on a couple of courses, meet a member of our distinguished faculty in your academic area of interest, speak with one of our varsity athletic coaches, and join us for lunch in the Edwards Student Center or at the Campus Center.

Email, call (617-243-2225), or schedule your visit online today!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Open House | 2009

Sunday November 1st, Lasell hosted its annual fall Open House. Over 1000 guests, visited campus and enjoyed the action-packed day. To all who attended, thank you for making the trip!

The feedback from interested students was unanimous, "after attending Open House, Lasell College is my first choice." "I can't wait to apply!"

From my perspective, all in attendance were treated to a beautiful New England fall day, providing the perfect backdrop for our prospective students and their families to see how special Lasell College really is.

Check out some of the pictures from the day!

Lasell’s President, Michael B. Alexander began the day by welcoming the crowd and highlighting the quality of Lasell's faculty and academic programs, the energy of Lasell's vibrant campus community, and the value of a Lasell education.

He was followed by the Academic Presentations, where students had the opportunity to discover how Lasell’s unique philosophy of education (connected learning) will impact their academic experience.

For example, Lasell’s Environmental Studies major challenges students to examine the connections between the environment and their local and global communities. Open House attendees interested in Environmental Studies learned how Lasell’s coursework, connected learning experiences, and applied research prepares students to address the many environmental public policy, economic, and ethical dilemmas environmentalists face.

Additional Open House highlights included:

•Student guided tours of campus
•Information about Lasell's Admissions and Financial Aid processes

If you couldn't make it to Open House, we’re sorry we missed you! But there are plenty of ways you can visit campus and learn more about Lasell. Click VISIT NOW to schedule your campus tour and interview today!